Garden Party - BNSS

Event date: 22nd June 2024 at: 2.30pm to 4.30pm

Members’ Garden Party (members and their guests only) is coming up on Saturday 22nd June. 

There are some changes from the notes in the published programme.

Unfortunately we shall not have the camera obscura in the garden.

Mark Spencer has kindly agreed to do a Garden Safari to show how our garden is changing and being adapted;  how wild flowers are living alongside the cultivated ones and what wild creatures may have made their homes here.

In the lecture hall Tony Grant will set up a slide show and exhibitions of last year’s photo competition and of the slides project.

There will be tea and homemade cake for a modest donation.  There will also be some plants for sale.

Please RSVP to or leave a message on the phone 01202 553525 so we have an idea how many to cater for.