Our Young Explorers group is for young people between the ages of 7 and 12 and meets on the second Saturday of each month from 10am to 12.30pm.
Planned sessions to date are
13th January Microscopes
10th February Flight
9th March Astronomy
13th April Archaeology
11th May Flight (part 2)
8th June Microscopes 2
13th July Birds and Eggs
August no meeting
14th September Moths and Moth traps
There will be 10 meetings over the year. Each meeting will have 2 sessions of about one hour each.
NB. Pre-booking essential.
Email bnssyoungexp@gmail.com
Just £5 per Young Explorer per meeting with Adults going FREE.
Please note. We ask that the maximum number of Young Explorers per family group is 3 and also request that at least one adult stays with them throughout the sessions.
It may be more convenient to pay for 10 meetings in advance at £40 per Young Explorer.
If you have any questions, please contact Steve Limburn – Young Explorers Co-ordinator – at: