Beautiful botanicals…
Are you taxed to distinguish a daisy from a dandelion? Are you an expert on sorting out the taraxacums?
Either way, you will find the Botany Section a great source of information and enjoyment.
The Spring and Summer Programme includes monthly field meetings to local botanically rich areas. All flowering plants are identified and recorded. Lively discussions are prompted by the discovery of a difficult plant, with the result that everyone present learns a great deal. These field meetings, since they are primarily intended as an exploration of botany, are taken at a gentle pace, and are punctuated by many unscheduled stops for photography, questions, or simply to gaze at the beauty of the plants.

Autumn Field Meetings are devoted to Mycology, when members attempt to come to terms with the demanding, but fascinating, world of fungi.
During the winter months, we enjoy a varied programme of illustrated lectures, dealing with botany locally and abroad.
Both the beginner and the experienced botanist will find an annual programme with much interest, coupled with great opportunities for improving his or her botanical skills.