The Historical Background to the Collections…
The collections cover a number of disciplines studied by the Society. Some collections are quite comprehensive, others less so, but there is always a fascinating variety. For the most part, the collections have been donated to us by members, and some of these pre-date the formation of the Society. At other times we have been able to be the repository of items that might otherwise have been dumped or consigned to storerooms by other museums. The acquisition of our present premises in 1919 has enabled us to provide sufficient space to present these collections, offering the people of Bournemouth and the surrounding area a chance to view some of their natural heritage.
The museum collections are open to visiting members of the public on most Tuesdays between 10am and 4pm (last entry 3.30pm). Groups from schools, universities or other educational establishments are also welcome by appointment to see the museum collections. For more information about visiting us, please click here.
Upcoming Museum events
Open Day
5th April 2025 at 10.00am - 4.00pmMuseum open to the public and members. DONATIONS Invited from visitors All our museum rooms will be Open including Natural History, Geology, Egyptology and Archaeology rooms with stewards on hand to answer queries about the exhibits. Tea and coffee available
Open Day
6th April 2025 at 10.00am - 4.00pmMuseum open to the public and members. DONATIONS Invited from visitors All our museum rooms will be Open including Natural History, Geology, Egyptology and Archaeology rooms with stewards on hand to answer queries about the exhibits. Tea and coffee available
Joint Meeting of BNSS & Quekett Microscopical Club
31st May 2025 at 10.00am - 4.00pmThere will be displays of microscopes, microscopic life and geological specimens. The Museum will also be open 10am-4pm